Uganda - First week


From July to October 2017 I am making my internship for the GLEN in Masaka, Uganda. I am here with one intern from Germany. The title of my project is "Agroforestry and organic farming as adaption strategies for households affected by HIV/AIDS.

I arrived to Masaka on 07.07 2017. During this week we got an overview about the organisation of NIRP (Ndibwami Integrated Rescue Project). We also got a brief introduction to agribusiness. 

Our duties about this topic are following:

  • Support the use of organic farming methods in the maintenance and management of gardens.
  • Organise a model agroforestry site or pineapple farmer.
  • Train students and community groups in agroforestry ventures.
  • Engage in market research and development of agroforestry farmers to promote market access locally.
  • Design training manual for the training students and communities undertaking sustainable agroforestry practices.
  • Develop training plans for the community.
  • Facilitate the construction of wood saving stoves in the beneficiary households to reduce wood wastage.
  • Follow up and monitor agroforestry farmers for technical support.
  • Train beneficiaries in making organic manure from organic materials such as liquid and compost manure.
  • Train communities in courtyard and sack vegetable growing.
  • Design a project online, raise resources online and implement the project e.g, 1% Club Netherlands.
  • Encourage schools and communities to plant their own plantations and trees.

Transporting Stuff
Cows Blocking The Street
Boda Boda

We also visited a local community, where we met with Namasenene women`s group. 

Our duties about this topic are following:

  • Counsel women about family planning.
  • HIV/AIDS prevention strategies.

With my colleagues from NIRP

Namasenene women`s group

Community Health Promoter

GLEN (Global Education Network of Young Europeans) is a network of non-governmental and governmental organisations as well as committed young people who are involved in global education. It is a joint non-profit, politically independent initiative of ten organisations from the European Union.

GLEN project for Estonians is coordinated by Arengukoostöö Ümarlaud and financed by ASA.

Further information:

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